

photo from KKBOX

If I can reach the stars,
Pull one down for you,
Shine it on my heart
So you could see the truth:
That this love I have inside
Is everything it seems.
But for now I find
It's only in my dreams.

And I can change the world,
I will be your sunlight in your universe.
You would think my love was really something good,
Baby if I could change the world.

And if I could be king,
Even for a day,
I'd take you as my queen;
I'd have it no other way.
And our love would rule
This kingdom we had made.
Till then I'd be a fool,
Wishing for a day...

That I can change the world,
I would be the sunlight in your universe.
You would think my love was really something good,
Baby if I could change the world.
Baby if I could change the world.

I could change the world,
I would be the sunlight in your universe.
You would think my love was really something good,
Baby if I could change the world.
Baby if I could change the world.
Baby if I could change the world.

Song from 我心目中的吉他之神 Eric Clapton ,Change the world

Change the world, Live MV in New York Madison Square Garden(這不是真的花園喔,這是NBA尼客隊的主場)

我很喜歡的Layla(Live in Hyde Park),阿伯的吉他手法是經典中的經典..這髮型看起來年輕多了(PS原來Clapton阿伯去做雷射眼睛的手術了)

很猶豫到底要不要寫Eric Clapton與Beatles之間的八卦..,還是來寫好了

古早聽到Tears in the Heaven喜歡上Eric Clapton的歌,1991年Clapton兒子Conor從公寓意外摔亡後,喪子的Eric Clapton寫了這首歌曲紀念在天堂的兒子.2004年後,Eric 說他不再唱這首歌,要讓這些傷心的回憶離去.






好不容易跟義大利 Model有一子的Eric,卻在小孩四歲墜樓意外後改變了許多...但是他先前早就在外面偷生一個女兒.



Eric Clapton Offical website



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